Environmental Due Diligence
Environmental Site Assessment process in which KOW will make a site observation and review all reasonably ascertainable information and records. Based on this information, a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment report will be prepared that will contain a Property Description, User Provided Information, Environmental Records Review, Site Reconnaissance observations and a Summary of Interviews Conducted as to meet CERCLA liability requirements and all appropriate inquiries.
ASTM Phase 1
Environmental Transaction Screens
Desktop Reviews
HRD Reports
HRDR Reports
Custom Scope
Operations and Maintenance Plans
Lead Based Paint
Mold and Moisture Management
Asbestos Containing Materials
Professional Environmental Certifications
Below is an ever-growing list of the professional certifications our inspectors have to ensure we are doing the best job possible on your projects. We recognize the environmental landscape in the building industry is constantly evolving, so we must do the same to better serve you.
Professional Engineer
ASTM Phase 1 and 2 Training Certified
Commercial Mold Inspector
ACM 24 Hour Certified
Certified Lead Based Paint Subcontractor
NYC Health Homes Certified